March 11, 2019

Event at Chicago Cultural Center raises record funds for Evans Scholarships

March 01, 2019

Success of campaign will help send more caddies to college

February 18, 2019

Six St. Louis-area caddies to attend leading universities

February 15, 2019

Fourteen caddies to attend leading universities nationwide

February 14, 2019

Thirteen caddies awarded after meeting at Lakewood CC

February 03, 2019

Scholars visit Chicago for 67th annual Winter Meeting

January 29, 2019

Two seniors to attend leading universities in the fall

January 28, 2019

Twenty Ohio caddies to attend leading universities

January 24, 2019

Four seniors to attend leading universities in the fall

January 10, 2019

Twenty-three caddies to attend leading universities in the fall